It's amazing to me how much human emotion can be projected during a single day. From stress and frustration one hour to calmness and joy the next, a person can wear quite a few masks in a day. I think it's all situational. If your job stresses you out or the people around you, find something to counter that emotion and revive that part of your inner self.
Last night was great. Well the first part, not so great. Work stresses were lying on everyone. Tension and pressure was high. Sometimes you have to get it all out—yell, scream, cry, whatever you have to do—then let it go. Or just calm yourself down and be there for someone else. As soon as I went to jujitsu those stresses completely went away. There's nothing better than honing your skills and getting the crap beat out of you at the same time. I truly love jujitsu and couldn't imagine my life without it. Afterwards was as equally therapeutic. A late night movie premier with a good friend washed all of our work tension away. It's pretty awesome what laughing can do to a person.
This morning after taking care of a friend's dogs, I took an early morning walk through the city to a coffee shop. It made me remember how much I love mornings. The world is just waking up and starting fresh. The sunlight is soft and beautiful. The temperature is perfect. Strolling through the nice part of the city admiring old houses and noticing yards, gardens, or architecture that is often over looked was a wonderful start to the day. No frustrations, or sadness, or pressure, just a clean slate. Every day is a new beginning.
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