If there is one thing that my 7 years of martial arts training has taught me, it's not to let your emotions rule your actions. Though this is still difficult at times since we are all human, it has defined a way of living that has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. Being proactive rather than reactive is the essence of a warrior spirit. Through these actions comes the ability to take on any situation head on without resistance. In using this development of character as a driving force, it allows you to become a stronger person.
Recently I have been made aware of the effects of living in this manner. With the positivity of being a strong person who attempts to let negative situations not rule my emotions, I am also finding that this has left me to appear cold and emotionless in others eyes. I would rather take on the emotions of others than show my own. Putting on my best poker face in times of despair, I tend to feel for others more than I allow them to for me. Apparently this installs fear in partners for they are not able to provide me with emotional support because I do not allow my emotional side to be seen to many. I have been called selfless because of this and apparently people have a difficult time relating to me.
To say that I do not show emotions and keep my cool at all times would be hypocritical. That is far from the truth. I do get angry and frustrated often and I do blow up. However, talking through situations after the initial reaction has proven to defuse things to a point where there is acceptance. I am able to waltz through personal relationships being hard and matter of fact, though I have noticed I still need to attend to this same mindset in my professional environment. Perhaps tone it down personally and beef it up professionally? I am not perfect but I continue to work on my perfection of character throughout my life journey. They say it takes a martial artist 10 years to conquer themselves and 20 years to conquer others. I have only hit the tip of the iceberg.
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